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 Presentation Board

Don Don Donki promotion event

The target audience is 20-25 years old Hong Kong young people. I set up 2 activities about the treasure hunt in Don Don Donki and Hong Kong to promote the main concept of Don Don Donki "Treasure Hunt".


#Treasure Hunt in Donki. Find whatever you want.

#嚟Donki尋寶 包你冇走寶

Puzzle Design 

As this is the Hong Kong propaganda event, I painted the Hong Kong Victoria Harbour for the background with the main lyrics of Donki theme song. It is brainwashing, so when people see these lyrics, they will remember the theme song. 

Dampen Design

To increase the brand awareness of the mascot of Donki (Donpen), Donpen would dress in different characters and visit Hong Kong different places. Also, it shares the concept about Donpen wants to adapt the Hong Kong culture. Therefore, Donpen will appear in different outfits to cooperate with the name/culture of the places.

Coupon Design

I merge the Japan style and Hong Kong style in this design.These Donpen represent the 4 main branches in Hong Kong. (Tseung Kwan O/ Tsim Sha Tsui/ Tsuen Wan/ Causeway Bay)

Refer to the Hong Kong dollar.

Puzzle Collection Board Design

Refer to the P.O.P style of Don Don Donki to design it.

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